Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Wednesday, 1st August, 2012

Hello, here's what's been happening in the news today.

Photograph: Kym Smith
Wayne Swan  today explained to an audience how US rock singer Bruce Springsteen had inspired his political prinicples.

Following this, Craig Emerson explained how Peter Garrett inspired his dance moves.




Larry Wachowski, one of the directors and writers of the hit trilogy 'The Matrix', has undergone a sex change and is now known as Lana Wachowski.

It was a simple procedure. All he had to do was upload a program into the system.



The United Nations human rights commissioner fears the continuation of a federal government intervention program in the Northern Territotry that was started by the Howard Government, may in fact do nothing to address the abuse and drunkenness in the region.

Do something, don't do something, it seems like either way you can't win as a politician.



Lowell Turpin, a 40-year-old man from Tennessee, USA, has been charged for allegedly striking his girlfriend after mistaking US presidential candidate Mitt Romney on her Facebook wall for a love rival.

Well, I guess we all know how he's voting this coming election.


Source: Supplied

Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett has yet to give up on his $2 Billion dollar plan to build a 3700km waterway from the Kimberley to Perth.

This keeps it in the record books as being the most expensive pipe dream ever to be supported by just one man.


And that's the news for tonight. See you next time!

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