Monday, 8 October 2012

Monday, 8th October, 2012

Hello, here's what's been happening in the news today.

Photograph: Norm Oorloff
Tony Abbott this morning has pledged that the Coalition government will spend $50 million dollars installing CCTV cameras around Australia in areas of high crime rates.
This piece of news caught the attention of many criminals, who then simply shrugged and decided they would do their business in areas where CCTVs were not around, laughing, "You can't put them everywhere!"
Photograph: Matt Dunham

Julian Assange today has announced plans to sue Prime Minister Julia Gillard for defemation in regards to the comments she had made in 2010 about the actions of WikiLeaks publishing classified documents.
I bet Julia Gillard is kicking herself now for not having helped Julian Assange out in his little predicament with the Swedish Government.
Also, with suing members of the Labor party being so trendy now, I'm surprised it doesn't have its own hash-tag on Twitter.


Foreign Minister Bob Carr stated today that a major military defection and an assassination could be what is needed to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Hmm...A defection and an assassination to overthrow a political leader...I wonder why this sounds so familiar...Oh, right. 




NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner and Labor MP Luke Foley today were found arguing over the question, whether or not a chair was a bed.
I would tell them to go home and sleep on the question, but I'm afraid that they might not know how to do that.
This morning 'shock-jock' Alan Jones went on the air and criticised the actions of the public, pressuring his sponsers to stop supporting his show. This brings me to a section I like to call, "What the hell were you thinking?"
What the hell are you thinking, Alan Jones? You made an offensive comment against the Prime Minister of Australia, and you expect Australians, that's right, Aussies to let the comment slide? The last time I checked, standing by your country's leader and attempting to punish those who would make such horrific slanders, is the right thing to do. 
And Mr Jones, what the hell were you thinking when you said, "They do not have the right to interfere with that freedom or choice." in relations to who your advertisers choose to sponser? You do realise that effectively means you think people are not allowed to tell the businesses they shop from, who they would like to see supported, right? Which in a sense means you are interfering with the freedom and choice that people are allowed to voice their opinions. Is that what you think Australian's are? A blob that simply has to conform to your beliefs? Is that what you think of your viewrs? Because that is definitely a great way to retaing them. I mean, what the hell are you thinking? 
By the way, Mr Jones, What the hell were you thinking when you said, "If this is the new Australia, then we are all at risk," in regards to the method people were using in attempts to get your show off the air? Do you really think it is wrong for people to use petitions and phone calls to demand for something? That it really is a bad thing if people use appropriate methods to get something done? Last time I checked, Mr Jones, we live in a democracy where these things can happen. I don't know about you, but I prefer to live in an Australia where my opinion is heard. 
I would like to finish of with this, Mr Jones. I like how you called Mercedes-Benz executive David McCarthy, a "gutless wonder" when he demanded you hand back the Mercedes-Benz to the car company. You had the 'gutless-ness' to make such a slanderous comment against the Prime Minister, without having the guts to say it to her face. Honestly, what the hell were you thinking when you said that?
And that's the news for tonight! See you all next time!

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