Monday, 10 September 2012

Monday, 10th September, 2012

Hello, here's what's been happening in the news today.

A new app for the iPhone called Thinking of U, or TofU, has been released which allows you to compile a list of things you love to allow the special people in your life know what you want for a present.

So be prepared for all of your family and friends getting you the exact same gift for your birthday.

Or you can always put up a list of things you hate so that when your birthday comes, you know who's been using that app. Jokes on them, suckers!

Starting January next year, peak-hour buses will now be taking convoluted routes through Sydney's CBD in an attempt to reduce congestion in traffic on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Which means that passengers will no longer have to deal with being stuck on the bridge, but at some random point in the city instead.
Australian and New Zealand liver specialists have predicted that rates of liver cancer in Australia and New Zealand will be increasing over the next decade.
So basically, to kerb this trend we'll have to stop getting drunk and having unprotected sex with random strangers because we're so out of it. Oh God, we're screwed (pun intended)!


Tomorrow, game publisher Namco Bandai will attempt to break the world record for the largest screen ever used in a video-game tournament with their game 'Tekkan Tag Tournament 2', by using a screen at Darling Harbour's IMAX theatre.
The game publisher will also be going for another record tomorrow: the most amount of nerds spraining their neck from looking up.
ABC has announced their plans to air an adults-only line-up on its digital channel every Friday night.

Which means if your parents suddenly enter the room while you're watching TV late at night, you can no longer pretend you were watching something educational and not some random sex scene on SBS.

And that's the news for today! See you all next time!

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