Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Monday, 23rd July, 2012

Hello, here's what's been happening in the news today.

Source: volleywood.net
Actors today have demanded gun ownership to be restricted in the US after the incident referred by many as the 'Batman Massacare'

They didn't seem too concerned when the Caltech University Massacre happened, but when it happens in a place where their product gets sold, that's where they draw the line.


Source: Wikipedia
28-year-old Clinton Mead is trying to recruit the 500 members he needs in order to form a political party in Australia, saying he wishes to run in the next federal election as leader of his new party, the "Somkers' Rights Party".
All the other political parties aren't worried. Instead, they're just sitting back and waiting to see when his dreams will go up in smoke.


Photograph: Michael Whitehead
A South Coast filmnaker is attempting to make a movie called 'Fatland' using only overweight people.
You just know whoever's working the snack bar is going to make a killing from this production.


Source: Wikipedia
Amanda Whittaker, a 27-year-old English woman has claimed that she achieved an orgasm after touching the Stature of Liberty.

She also commented on how big and hard it was.


Source: Reuters
A group of ladies in central Belgrade, Croatia today competed in an event organised by a local magazine in hopes of winning themselves a bridal dress.

Because its every girl's dream to wear a dirty, torn-up dress to their wedding.


With the first wave of Olynpic athletes touching down in London, online gay dating website Grindr was down for 24 hours due to the suspected overuse by the athletes.

Although I'm going to guess that's not all that was down for 24 hours.


And that's the new's for today! See you tomorrow!

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