Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Wednesday, 18th July, 2012

Hello, here's what's been happening in the news today.
Source: ninemsn

Ten's new reality TV show 'The Shire' continues to draw heavy criticism, with the latest being that two of the cast members, Sophie and Vernessa, aren't even really from The Shire which only adds to the hatred about the phoniness of the show.

Although, the real trick in my opinion is to find what's not phony about the show.


The head of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Steve Hambleton, has urged the federal government to crack down on alcohol advertising and also feature warning labels on bottles, similar to those now on cigarette packages, in an attempt to stop the binge-drinking culture.
Although it's not going to make much of a difference at bars and pubs where the drink bottles are on a shelf far from the counter and seeing as the drink will then be served in a glass cup. Also, I don't think you'll be reading the warning labels on the bottle very well after you've had a few to drink.


Source: Maxlink Media Services
A tram driver in Melbourne has been filmed driving a tram while reading an electronics catalogue which sparked fears in commuters travelling on said tram in regards to their safety.

Although, what was concealed inside the catalogue was the book he was actually reading - Fifty shades of Grey


Photograph: David Paul Morris     Source: AFP
The Gillard government has come under scrutiny by the opposition, who have demanded the Labor Party explain how they subsidised the industry with $34 million, claiming it would bring about 300 new jobs, but in reality 440 jobs will be axed. Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation Mark Dreyfus said that "We'd be seeing thousands of job losses, not hundreds."

Really, Mr Dreyfus? Let's do some maths shall we. If your government's subsidy would have created 300 jobs, then in effect you saved 300 jobs. That would mean the total job loss without the subsidy, the total job loss would have been 300 + 440 = 740. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's definately not 'thousands'. I sure hope you can do your job better than you can do maths but judging by how the car industry is doing, I'm guessing you're not good at that either.


Source: SWNS
 Rachel Claire Martin, a 24-year-old bank clerk in the UK had stolen $70,000 from Barclays bank, before she blew it all on breast enlargements, dental work and nights out on the town.

Although, with all the work she had done one her body and all the partying she did, I'm pretty sure that's not the only thing she blew on. (Perhaps a breathalyzer. I don't know what you were thinking.)


Source: Quest Newspapers

Two men in Queensland have been charged with throwing Molotov cocktails at one another due to a dispute they were having over a girl.

The men claimed they were trying to ignite the flames of passion they had for the igniting the other man.


And that's the news! See you all tomorrow!

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